
The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer

Bolesław Leśmian, translated by Mary Besemeres

This book is the result of an unusual collaboration of two people Travels between magical lands, incredible creatures, enchanted princesses, and a cunning Sea Devil – such is the fairy-tale world of Sindbad. “The Tales of Sindbad the Seafarer” come from the pen of Bolesław Leśmian, and Julia Konieczna captured this magical world in her watercolour, pen and ink drawings. The exhibition of 57 illustrations by Julia Konieczna and the accompanying cycle of workshops inspired by Bolesław Leśmian’s fairy tale are nothing less than an invitation to a world of magic and sea adventures.

The first edition of “The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer” was published in Warsaw in 1892. The tale was consonant with the narrative of the late 19th century. Leśmian and his contemporaries faced many unresolved mysteries, just like we do today. In the illustrations and short stories, thus, serious figures have been replaced with chimeras and hippocampi, or – as in Leśmian's story – sea devils. Much like Leśmian, in the face of uncertainty we seek inspiration in a creative surge from within, instinct, passion, and emotions.

Today we reach for Leśmian’s books when we wish for our imagination to roam freely, and for our rushing thoughts to enjoy some rest. “Only then can one discover the child within, the ‘voice of unreason’ which is all too frequently stifled,” commented Julia Konieczna, who authored the collection of watercolours inspired by Bolesław Leśmian’s fairy tale.

The artist went one step further. She invited Mary Besemeres, translator and linguist of the Australian National University in Canberra, to work with her and create a new edition of “The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer” – translated into English for the first time, and illustrated by Julia.

“Sindbad’s adventures are so entertaining and Leśmian’s voice so unique that ever since I first read the book in Polish, I’ve wanted to share these adventures with readers of English. Leśmian conjures up such an aura of mystery about the sea and far-off places. That aura captivated me as a child, and still does today. It is beautifully captured by Julia’s illustrations, which are delicate and dreamlike, as well as humorous and highly inventive,” said Mary Besemeres.

'The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer ’ e-book is available from AppleBooks.
