Photography courtesy of PopArtMedia.
Graduated from BA(hons) Illustration and Animation at Cambridge School of Art. Works in drawing techniques on paper. Her work has been published and emerged in books, musical albums, digital internet content and scenography. Julia exhibits her original work, creates authors projects, works with cultural institutions and schools as a visiting artist and creator of educational art events.
Her most recent and ongoing project is a series of new illustrations for an original fairytale in its first translation to English, by Bolesława Leśmian, a classic Polish writer and poet. The works have been presented in Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów. About the project.
2021 - animated illustrations for poems by Jan Twardowski read by Jacek Kopczyński, youtube channel, supported and funded by Ministry of Culture Poland
2021 - illustrated fairytale ebook "The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer vol. 2", Apple Books
2020 - illustrated fairytale ebook "The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer vol. 1", Apple Books
2019 - concert scenography, Opera and Philharmonic Hall, Białystok
2019 - paperback illustrated fairytale "The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer vol. 1 " vol.1 by Bolesław Leśmian, self published, distributed by Art Bookstores
2019 - book cover design “Rodzina i Dziecko chronicznie chore”, by Jasper Juul, publisher: wydawnictwo Mind
2018 - music album cover “Ent”, illustrations for lyrics and animated scenography for a band Varius Manx
2015 - "I Heard the Bulbul Sing" by Jonathan Webster, illustrated book for young adukts, paperback edition with 56 black and white illustrations
2013 – chapter heading illustration ‘Facing Fear’ for “The Golden Age of Folk and Fairy Tales, from Brothers Grimm to Andrew Lang” , by prof. Jack Zipes, Hackett Publishing
2021 - ‘Monsters in the Orangery’ solo exhibition of original works inspired by ‘The Adventures of Sindbad the Sefarer’ by Bolesław Leśmian, Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów. About the project.
2018/19 - ‘Once Upon a Time’ classics of illustration, The North Wall Arts Centre with Blackwells Rare Books and Zuleika Gallery
2015 – solo exhibition, 56 pen and ink drawings for a novel “I Heard the Bulbul Sing”, by Jonathan Webster, Quadrilion Art Gallery, Warsaw
2013 - "New English Art Club" group exhibition, Mall Galleries, London
2012 - "Bite" Artists Making Prints, group exhibitions, Mall Galleries, London
2017 - “Mansfield Park”, Jane Austen, The Folio Society and House of Illustration exhibition for illustration competition finalist
2015 - “The Collection of Ghost Stories” The Folio Society and House of Illustration exhibition for illustration competition finalist
2015 - Golden Pinwheel Illustration Competition exhibition, Shanghai Book Fair
2021 - Art and Piece Hong Kong, artists inspired by The Little Prince
2019 - Przekrój “The Adventures of Sindbad the Seafarer
The First Adventure, translated by Mary Besemeres”
2019 - “Translating Sindbad from the Antipodes: An Interview with Mary Besemeres”
2017 - The Guardian “Illustrating Jane Austen's Mansfield Park – in pictures”